Sunday, August 7, 2011

A World Without Comic Books?

Once in a while I feel the need to rearrange my living quarters. I rent so I do not wish to call it my place, I just reside here. It is a small place but cheap and I find that it does suit my needs. Most of these times that I rearrange is for the sole reason of being able to display my comic book collection with the least bit of clutter. I have over 5,000 books in my collection currently. This number was once more that this, much more. Life changes, things happen but I vowed never to have to diminish my collection for reasons of space and money.

My collection of CGC books has increased to over two hundred; three hundred was my goal for the end of the year. This rearrangement process is done alone and takes some time. I had a great idea of separating my collection of CGC books and my raw books, this seems to be failing but as I have already disassembled my bed, moved it, and reassembled it I feel I already have to move forward with this endeavor. In my teens when I lived with my parents and my walls were adorned with poster after poster, comic book after comic book I enjoyed changing the look of my room. It felt wondrous to wake up to a new room. Now it is an apartment and this process takes longer.

During these frantic changes of location of my décor I have yet to reread my comic books. This is something I did when I was younger which elongated the time it took me to complete my goal. I have not done that in a real long time. Take my comic books; sprawl them onto my bed and read a story. The New Mutants are a title I read and reread. My issue #15, my original which happened to be the first book that started my collection was graded a 4.5. It wasn’t the first book I had but the one that without I would most likely not even be writing.

Have you wondered if there was a point in your life that if it did not happen how your life would be? A certain movie when you were five, a first kiss when you were 12, A comic book at the same age, a child being born, a car accident, or a dreadful mistake. We are what our past experiences make us, but ask yourself this, what kind of person would you be without Comic Books?

Thanks for Reading

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