Saturday, August 27, 2011

Needing Gas

There is nothing like needing gas in your car and when you slip the key in to unlock the gas tank….yup, it’s broken. No the key, but the lock. Someone deliberately stuffed something in there and I wonder if someone just had nothing better to do, did they think the car was someone else’s or some vindictive co-worker. I tend to write about comics here because it is a love that I have, but when something like this happens I get a little frustrated. What compounds this frustration is the fact I just came off one double and I have two more to go.

This means that I have to get up a few hours after I get into bed, wake up, call the mechanic (if not walk over there), and try to get my car fixed all before two o’clock tomorrow. Did I mention anything about Hurricane Irene coming in? My customers mentioned her all day today and my thoughts were when it happens it happens. It’s not bravado on my part or some kind of macho egotistical “I am not afraid) idiocy, nope it is simply I have no faith in the people that report the weather. When it happens….it happens.

So let us assume that it does happen and Septa (The public transportation system in Philadelphia) does close down. Do I try to walk? DO I call a cab? I won’t call out. As I am writing this I am trying to research the storm….and it seems like a heavy rain. I can carry my comic books home in the heavy rain with no worrisome thoughts. I have my car already sitting at the mechanics. I just hope they can work on it right away. I don’t even care if they break the lock and fix it later. I just want to be able to fill my car with gas (Petrol if you are reading this overseas) and get to work, this way, yup you guessed….I can earn money for comic books.

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