Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Comic Books or Novels?

I have been fortunate. Every week I pick up comic books. That is not the fortunate part. That part belongs to being able to afford them Week in and week out. Occasionally a novel will also be release that I was looking forward too. Normally I look forward to them, this past month I had a few surprises. A couple of authors I like are Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. They do write separately and they are good but together they are so much better.

I was able to get through Cold Vengeance in one week, and the only reason why it took so long is I didn’t want it to end. I knew A Star Wars book was to be out that I was looking forward too but a surprise manifested in a title called Choices of one. This was written by Timothy Zahn. Once again this took me a week. This took that long because I didn’t have the time. The one that I was looking for came out a week later. This was also a Star Wars title. Their latest series of Novels is called Fate of the Jedi and the book is called Ascension. I have yet to start it. For a while my expanded universe only consisted of Dark Horse comic book. I have since stopped collecting those for reasons unknown.

It is very rare when I get so many novels that I look forward to reading. I am used to getting my comic books every week, and each comic is like a chapter of a whole story. My comic books for this week will be completed before I go to bed. The novels take a bit longer and when I finish this latest one the 20th anniversary edition of Heir to the Empire will have been released. And although I have read it before I shall do so again, this time it will be this silver covered copy.

After all these Star Wars books are done I just might go back and try to revisit the Dark Horse Star Wars universe. After all they did a great job on the Sith War introducing Bane, which also became novels, and not to mention the Crimson Empire was a great limited series. What is your favorite Star Wars expanded universe story? Is it a novel or book, Marvel or Dark Horse?

Thanks for Reading

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