Saturday, August 13, 2011

Working the Graveyard Shift

I guess it is safe to say that I am allowed to sleep all day. My normal hours are 11 pm to 7 am. If I am lucky I get out of work early, I am even luckier if I make the money I need. I budget well. Every month I pay off my bills first. Everything else goes to comic books or savings. But what am I saving for. There is the proverbial rainy day. There is always that IPad for the days I feel like I want to add digital to my collecting abilities. Then of course there is SDCC 2012.

I never went to a convention outside Philadelphia. I never budgeted my money properly before to allow for such a thing. I am older and realized if I want to do certain things I must reward myself. At times I do go hog wild in purchasing a book….or eleven but what about the little things in life. Going places you never went before started to become a priority for me. I have not been to New York in a long time. I’ve never been to Baltimore or Chicago at all. So what if I decided to base all my travel plans around the cities that have major comic book events?

New York of course is closest for such an event and of course they do have a convention in October. This was going to be the first feasible one that I would get to go to. Alas that will not be the case since a friend of mine asked me to go to her brother’s wedding as her date. With this google plus one craze going on I feel the same way. I am her plus one. I don’t mind since my friends are more important then my comic books. I might not admit that much but it is the truth.

I won’t be going to these conventions to buy buy buy, but look. Maybe try to find other hobbyists who need help completing their collection. To teach them how to collect properly which is by setting a goal and what to collect, not as an investment, but as a joy, because whatever you collect it should be something that you love. Whether that comic book be the X-men, Daredevil, Spider-Man, or even Rom.

Thanks for reading

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