Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wizard World Philadelphia: How I love thee

It's Christmas morning 

I wonder what Dorothy would have done if she woke up knowing she was off to see the Wizard! Christmas Day never had the allure or promise of if I behaved then Santa Clause would reward me by climbing down the chimney and putting presents under a tree. We had no chimney. We had no tree.

I wake early, earlier than I have too. Sleep was restless as I tried to slumber but I had comic books on the brain. I went to bed late hoping I would wake up just as late, but suffice to say after three hours sleep and nine hours before the doors open I did what every other pet owner does and fed my cat. He doesn't understand what today actually means.

Normally everyday I grab the cleanest clothes I have and make sure I look presentable, today I acted unlike any other time with the exception of last years Wizard World and thought those alien words strung together of "What should I wear?", which kind of scares me because if I feel this way today, how am I going to feel tomorrow when I meet Stan Lee?...again! 

Wizard World from its inception in Philadelphia has been a three day event until last year when they added a fourth, an opening salvo if you will. I like this first day, but more like a get your feet wet sort of day, its Friday and Saturday that the vastness of what Wizard World has put together sets in. When Sunday arrives I realize how much money I spent and then on Monday I find out I could have spent more. 

As a younger man I disliked spending money at the door. Admission would take away from my comic book fund. As an older man I still do, but I understand. Wizard World charges patrons to get in the door, they charge companies and budding artists a fee to set up tables to either sell their wares or bring attention to their products. Deeply rooted in my mind is "For Zombies". But, what we get in return is a huge amount of things to do. With fifteen pages of panels there is an amazing selection.  Wizard World will continue to bring in money from ticket sales, but this event would not succeed without the throng of fans waiting for the doors to open today and each consecutive day.

With a bit over six hours to go I, for one, cannot wait. Finally, Wizard World Philadelphia is here. Check out #wizardworld , #wizardworldphilly and #WizardWorldPhiladelphia all weekend long.

Thanks for Reading 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wizard World: The People I Know

After collecting comic books for so many years one tends to meet new people and reacquaint with old friends. Although Keegan from Comics to Astonish sells at this event, it was a smaller event that I met him and since then he is one of the sellers I trust on price and quality. Being that he goes to other cons to set up and sell he is also the guy I choose first to get me signatures for CGC graded books. As you walk around the convention floor, I recommend stepping by his booth for a great selection at a great price

Then there is Ashleigh Arsenic. Another artist I didn’t meet at Wizard World, but a diner some two or three in the morning. She created and founded Pretty Poison Burlesque and I have read more Facebook status' at how hard she works but is thankful she loves it. I hope to stop by her booth and help her anyway I can, I hope you might do the same to show your support as well, and if you are a David Bowie fan, especially of his performance in Labyrinth, you might want to ask her to show you her tattoo.

The third I can't wait to see is Brad Guigar. At least this is a person I met at Wizard World but have followed him to other shows and purchased some of his original strips which he will have some at Wizard World Philadelphia 2013 along with his seven volumes of Evil Inc, a personal favorite of mine. He began doing webcomics over ten years ago and I was fortunate to find him syndicated through a local newspaper. And if any of the little bit of information I gave you was wrong, Evil Atom made me say it.

The last of those I know at follow are two friends of mine. One I have known before I was a teenager while the other one I met at a Halloween party hosted by my lifelong friend. John Iwasz and Sanj Surati would be the type to decide having a zombie as a pet would be pretty cool. They both started with small vignettes for YouTube with dear Zombie letters, along with Cocktails for zombies and Brewing for zombies. Both can be followed along and produce said cocktails or beer…with subtitles of course. Their pet project Zombie casserole is busy being edited and a trailer should be ready to be viewed at Wizard World.

Hopefully by this time next year I can add to the list of people I know, however I must give props to those that work at CGC making sure all the books are set to be witnessed and graded, but that is for a whole other time.
Thanks for reading.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Off to see (the) Wizard... World

In younger years this was said on days before we found out the Wizard of Oz would be playing this upcoming Saturday night. This news would be a small blurb in the free TV Week that was given with every Sunday Inquirer. I no longer pay attention to any TV Guide and off to see the Wizard means something slightly different. Wizard World has changed and morphed from a singular comic con to a pop cultural event. No longer is the Philadelphia Convention Center filled with only comic book collectors, but it is now filled with Wrestling fans, Trekkies, Star Wars aficionados, Whovians, Zombie lovers, Cosplayers, Speculators, Spectators, and Autograph hounds.

Wizard World has redefined the convention experience. Only a few years ago after a Texas based Wizard World was cancelled and postponed a Los Angeles show rumors were flying in Philly on the show floor that this year might have been the last year. That rumor was squashed at day’s end when they released the dates of the next year’s show. I started to attend in 2007 and in the past years the convention that was is different than the convention that is. Wizard world has created an event for everyone. They created V.I.P. tickets for the greatest names, or the most beloved. Photo companies swooped in to take pictures of you and your favorite Icon and Meet and Greets were created for a small amount of time with your favorites in separate rooms away from the throngs of fans.

The Wizard World clock is counting and I check out Wizard World everyday to see who is attending, I even cross reference other shows and wish that Alan Davis was also included on the Philadelphia itinerary as he is in Chicago. There are so many movie and TV stars, comic book contributors, and wrestling legends that I have peruse the list multiple times to make sure I didn’t miss anyone. The panel list is currently about fifteen pages long and even after cutting out anything I don’t want to see or partake in, I am still at five pages. Wizard World has even acquired Con Bro Chill to play at the Trocadero, free for V.I.P. pass holders, on Thursday night at 8PM, the first day at the show.

There are two jobs I have, the job I work and the job I love. Writing is what I love and I hope over the next few weeks you will pay attention to me either here on A Shot of Comics, or throughCircuit 42, and check out the pictures that will be posted through Instagram and twitter with the #WizardWorld or #WizardWorldPhilly. Tickets are still available and if one day is all you can spend, I recommend Saturday for anyone looking to see people dress up and Sunday for anyone looking for deals on Comic Books, and as much as I believe every line will seem equally as long…if I were a betting man, I would put my money on Stan Lee as the winner.

Thanks for Reading

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wizard World: The Just Listed Category

Wizard World, the Just listed category.

Although I was never into power rangers, I am a bit older, my son was at that age where it was all the rave to talk about, then again so was pogs. Now to be honest I am glad he never got into the Power Rangers because then he would want the toys, and the toys broke. Each week my friend/roommate kept buying these Bandai toys for his kid, each week they broke. Fortunately my son’s toys of choice were Star Wars, and I wonder where he got that from. But, let’s face it the Power Rangers were a reckoning force and I expect that with the recent announcement of Jason David Frank, or Tommy Oliver, and although he had a few different incarnations as a Ranger, it was the White Ranger I remember hearing my roommates son discuss to me at length why he is the best one.
Jason David Frank

The other is, in my opinion, even greater. Marvel will be sending over a representative, in the form of C.B. Cubulski. I wonder if he will be doing any signings. I like any con to have Marvel and DC there, not just the artists from those companies but the companies themselves. As Wizard World morphed and grew these two have been absent from this major event here in Philadelphia. I am hoping that this portfolio review and the two panels that were announce, Marvel: From NOW! To Infinity and Marvel: Breaking into comics the Marvel way re just the beginnings of this great company presenting once again at Wizard World. I will tell you more about these panels as long as I am able to attend.

(Looking forward to Bob Layton)
Bob Layton

There will be lots to do at Philadelphia, whether you will look at back issue after back issue, get CGC to witness your signature for their signature series, or even get books graded for their Universal label, Wizard has a slew of events to keep you busy and as I mentioned earlier, bottled water, comfortable shoes, and prepare to have a good time.

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wizard World Philadelphia: The Countdown Continues

There are fourteen days left to wait before Wizard WorldPhiladelphia can begin. In 2011 this was only a three day event and expanded to four in 2012. The extra day was such a success that once again this year they will be ready for a slew of attendees over this four day period and will open their doors at 3pm, if you have a V.I.P. pass then you get in one half hour earlier. At the moment there are still tickets available. Since of course this is my home town convention, it is easier to get to than others. Although I have heard good things about the Louisiana show, I wish one day to make it to the one in Chicago.

(Billy Dee showed up in 2011)

Not including Philadelphia they have five more shows this year before they begin the convention circuit off again with Portland in January of 2014. Somehow Wizard turned from a small magazine talking about comic books to one of the largest shows of the year. In years past a V.I.P. ticket was maybe for one popular start or another but with so many Wizard catered to the masses. Firefly, Walking Dead, Charmed, and the WWE Triple V.I.P experience which has sold out. Smaller V.I.P. packages include Summer Glau, John Barrowman, and my favorite, Stan Lee.

They have tickets for individual days and a three day pass. All the while a lot of walking will ensure, and lines, let’s face it will grow. One day is not enough for an event this big and I recommend a few necessities. Bottled water is a must. Even the most anti social of people will love to talk about whoever they came to see. And whether you are in line to see William Shatner and can recite line per line of every Star Trek show there was, and maybe a few TJ. Hooker episodes too, a mouth can dry out rather hastily. Comfortable shoes are a next must have. Don't buy shoes the day before the event and feel that you will be fine, you won’t. And the third thing, other than fire safety and knowing your exits, with all the bottled water that you will be drinking…make sure to know where the bathrooms are. And of course the ATM’s too.

Hope to see you there.

Thanks for Reading

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wizard World 2013: A Roundabout Preview

In 1993 I went to my first major comic book event. It would be over another decade and a half before I went to another one. I attended this with my father and my son. The year was 2007. The following year in 2008 we did the same thing. It was in 2009 that I started to go by myself that this iconic event morphed into something different. Directly on the website a countdown timer has been worked onto the front page. I have been staring at it for the past two weeks watching has the chosen event has become a Mecca of a sort, a calling I cannot seem to deny. Last year with press credentials in hand, I did the impossible, I bought a ticket, How could I not, as a fan first, purchase tickets to meet Stan Lee?

I was part of a larger conglomerate then. There were a slew of us attending and we all had our own assignments. Mine was to find out about CGC. This was more my speed then all the others who were giddy about either this or that. The thing is Wizard World changed from a Comic Book convention into a pop cultural phenomenon. Joining the countdown timer on the homepage was a floating picture display changing from one major guest to another. Stan Lee being the most iconic comic book deity, was followed by Neal Adams (he will be at Chicago and not Philadelphia), another major legend, one of which Batman never would have been the same about, but even today, two weeks before the event they have not stopped adding, with tickets still available, the Ramones are making an appearance. Do I even have to mention various stars of the Walking Dead?

After clicking on the Philadelphia highlighted event, a slew of actors, artists, enthusiasts, and special guests could be seen listed. The top and foremost area are the Special Guests, currently there are 54 with pictures and a link for their bio. Next up are the Featured guest, these are mostly stars from shows like Firefly, past iconic movies, and Wrestling. The last category, the one I pay most attention to are the Comic Creators themselves, with over two hundred listed. But that wasn't enough, a fourth category for the fans themselves, there are at least 35 people presenting under the Cosplay & Fan communities section.

The countdown won’t stop. It will keep going until the event has begun and once it has I can only imagine that it will start again for the New York City Experience.

Thanks for Reading

Friday, May 3, 2013

Iron Man 3: A Roundabout Review

Read Away, and know that I will not spoil the movie for you.

The Long of it:

As I begin typing, the midnight showing has begun of Iron Man 3. I have already seen it. The movie theatre of choice had a nine o’clock showing. I and my companion arrived early to an already filling auditorium. The center seats were already filled; it was just a matter of every other seat filling around it. I couldn't wait for this movie. I caught the first preview and refused to watch any other. I was already upset at seeing an army of iron come to the rescue.

The Mandarin was my first Iron Man villain. I started to collect with issue #181 with Jim Rhodes donning the armor with the help of Morley Erwin while Tony Stark was living as a homeless drunk. Finally in issue two hundred the prodigal son returned to battle Obadiah Stane, who donned the War Monger armor portrayed in the first Iron Man movie. I hopped that the third movie in the franchise would portray this villain in a shining light, after all Whiplash was a character I knew about before I collected comic books from Tales to Astonish #97, a book given to me before I was ten.

I watched Iron Man 2 and although I enjoyed it and will probably watch it again after I finish writing this, it wasn't as good as the first. It had after all suffered the sequel curse of not being good as the first. So what could Shane Black do with the third that wasn't done before? How could he make sure that the Mandarin was every bit as the villain he should be portrayed as? Could Sir Ben Kinglsey, a renown British actor portray a “set in stone” Marvel comic book Chinese character. They tried and failed with the late Michael Clarke Duncan in Daredevil as Wilson Fisk.

Can an actor transgress against what people have known for decades? Let’s be honest Samuel L. Jackson made a much better Nick Fury then David Hasselhoff ever did. In fact Marvel Comics changed their whole universe and created a way for Nick Fury to be identical to the character in the movies. I did my best not to read anything, or watch anything to give away what surely could possibly be a flop.  My Junior Mints in hand with a beverage in the cup holder  I sat in the theatre with a few who dared to dress as Tony Stark complete with glowing chest and then the lights dimmed, the previews played, and Action…

The Short of it:

If I knew I would enjoy the movie it that much I would have pre-purchased tickets for the midnight showing too.

Thanks for Reading

oh and about that secret ending...SHHHHH