Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Sixth shot of Reviews (10-22-14)

As I collect comic books every week, both new and graded, I like to give you a quick review of what I bought.

The Wicked + The Divine #5

If you like the series, you'll continue to enjoy. Issue five might not give any answers but it will give you more questions. 

The Amazing Spider-Man #8

Ms. Marvel guest stars in Dan Slott's beginning of the end for Spiders everywhere. Do I dare say that he writes Ms. Marvel  better than G. Willow Wilson? After this issue I'm looking forward to issue nine, and Silk is officially in a costume. 


I haven't seen so many villains band together since Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars. It is refreshing. I hope Magneto becomes all he should be and if I were a betting man, my money is on Doom. What I love best is I can read this series without needing to read everything else.

Starlight #6

Is this the end? Is this the last issue? If it is, it ended admirably well, but I hope not. If you like Flash Gordon of old, BUY THIS COMIC BOOK. 

Lazarus #12

I purchased the earlier issues to try something new. And even though I might not be ecstatic about every issue, I'm enjoying the setting. I feel that I'm watching a lit fuse and I'm just waiting for the fireworks to go off. 

Avengers #37

I love it that Bobby Dacosta purchased A.I.M. And Steve's reaction is priceless. I have enjoyed Hickman's run month after month. I just wish Marvel would get on the same page with each title, may more *notes. All in all, a great popcorn read. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A 5th shot of Reviews (15-Oct-14)

Edge of Spider-Verse #5:

This is the final issue before the story finally starts. I still remember Secret Wars where the lead up issue was a panel or two on the final page. These days there is always a prologue that can take months before the main event. If this was the morsel, I'm looking forward to the entree. 

Spider-Man 2099 #5:

Another Spider-Verse lead in. Peter David has been known to me for years. He was always good, but never great, not to me anyway. Issues 1-4 were entertaining, each cover has been beautiful, and now Peter is dabbling in Dan Slott's world and doing so quite marvelously. 

Justice League #35:

This title continues to be a roller coaster ride of fun, especially with Lex Luthor on the roster. 

Axis #2:

Another great issue. Not as good as the first but still exhilarating. I also love how all I have to read is this series. No side issues and no one shots. The art compliments each page. I can't wait until the next issue. 

Ms. Marvel #9:

A sleeper hit of the year? This title has also reached the hands of my girlfriend, a non-collector. The Inhumans were never one of my favorite creations. And with the terragin mists spread throughout the world, there are more Inhumans than ever before, next we will all find out mutants are Inhumans too. And after 9 issues, G. Willow Wilson still has my attention. 

Original Sin Annual #1:

I could have waited for this to be compiled in the trade. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. 

Uncanny X-Men #27:

I still wish they never renumbered this series. The art is some of my favorite and Bendis keeps the characters going.

Daredevil #9:

I still enjoy the tales of Matt Murdock, but the artwork is lacking. The original Purple Man was created way back in Daredevil #4 and now we are dealing with his kids who emit some sort of hive mind, but after all this time I'm afraid I'm collecting just to say I have them all. 

Thanks for Reading

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A 4th Shot of Reviews (11-Oct-14)

Amazing Spider-Man #7: 

Ms Marvel guest stars and reminds me a bit like when my lil bro met Stan Lee for the first time. Dan Slott continues to give me a comic title to enjoy month after month. 

AXIS #1: 

The first half of the book was better than the second half. I disliked only one thing. I wanted to see the Falcon as the new Captain America in his own series first. Rick Remender is starting this series off like a fight gone bad, like a kick to the groin. 

Thanos: A God up there is Listening #1

This is more about the son of Thanos than Thanos. If I would have skimmed through the comic before buying it, I would have passed. 

Imperial #3: 

I am truly loving this series. If there was a vote for best new series for 2014, this would be my pick. Bonus: no ads. 

Birthright #1: 

Please read full review...or better yet, buy the book. 

Avengers #36: 

There are so many confusing elements including Sunspot in charge of AIM, and telling Thor what to do. Not to mention Cannonball being a father. This comic book has fun written all over it. 

Sex Criminals #8: 

I can't say the issue slows down because it was a series that never picked up, it was always at a steady pace, like driving down the freeway at 65 mph. I have yet to read an issue I don't like. 

Black Science #9: 

This is a title I have to read twice. Cross dimensional travel can always be confusing much like living backwards. Black Science is one of those series that you have to start at the beginning with. Fortunately, the first issue is not expensive. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Birthright #1: A Roundabout Review

Birthright #1

Produced by Image Comics 
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Andrei Bressan
Colors by Adriano Lucas

Nothing scares a father more than losing a child. A simple game of catch turns into what would be my worst fear. Aaron Rhodes loses his son in the park as his boy enters a heavily wooded area to fetch a ball gone long. In the first seven pages a year passes, effortlessly. The opening third of the book is dedicated to the father and the rest of Mikey's family, a family shown to be torn apart. 

The FBI  becomes involved when Mikey is found in a way no one could ever have imagined. Aaron, after being accused over and over again for murdering his son, was never charged. A body was never found. And we find out why in the middle of the comic book. 

So what happened to Mikey Rhodes after running for the ball? Where did the "hero" of our story disappear to when he was separated from his father during a simple game of catch? We find out the boy was transported to a far away land where time passed more rapidly, aging him. Once a missing boy, now returned, as a man. And this is where our true story begins. 

The cover alone is reminiscent of Art Adams mixed with Mike Mignola. Andrei Bressan draws phenomenally well, not just the everyday world, but a world of fantasy. And it is the story by Joshua Williamson that encourages me to read further. What brings it all together is the vibrant colors Adriano Lucas adds. 

Image keeps adding title after title to my pull list after I'm trying to cut back on titles I collect and I hope they don't stop. 

Thanks for Reading

4.5 out of 5 stars

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A 3rd Shot of Reviews (10-1-2014)

Spider-Man 2099 #4

So far this is as much fun as the first issue. It cannot compare to the first Spider-Man 2099 from the nineties, because so far this series is so much better. 

Edge of Spider-Verse #4

The cover reminds me of the old EC books from the fifties. The interior, I imagined, mimicked the stories too. I have yet to purchase and read an old EC title to compare. 

Alex + Ada #9

This title continues to impress. 

Justice League # 34

This is the only New 52 title I still collect and it still proved to be worthy, unlike Thor, who can no longer wield the hammer. Geoff Johns is weaving not just a story, but a mystery; what is Lex Luthor after? 

Morning Glories #41

Imagine the TV show "Lost" as a comic book. If you liked the show, you'll like this. After 41 issues I might be lost, but I'm enjoying trying to be found.

Thor #1

Being a first issue is the worst thing about this book. All in all I must say, it is a must read. Too much happens in this to describe during one shot, I just might need to make it a double.