Thursday, February 28, 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy: A Roundabout Review

Guardians of the Galaxy: A Roundabout Review

The long if it...

It's the Wednesday before the Emerald City Comic Con or as it is affectionately called by its brethren, ECCC and I am still making my weekly quest to Fat Jack's Comic Crypt for my addiction. Thankfully I knew I would only be picking up three titles for my weekly pull list, courtesy of Comixology. However, once in the comic book shop, all bets are off.

Between leaving my LCS and arriving home I read my comics in order of what I think would be best, last. In this case my copy of Uncanny Avengers #4. I shouldn't have, that honor should have gone to the Uncanny X-Men #2 which was damn close competing with DC's Aquaman #17 wrapping up the "Throne of Atlantis" with an epilogue hinting at a gritty future for the King if Atlantis . So what made me pick up a fourth book? Why did I leave with a copy of Guardians of the Galaxy?

Lets face it, "Guardians of the Galaxy" is the cosmic equivalent to The Human Fly or Team U.S.A. These space faring rejects were the characters not good enough to hang out with the Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, or even Rom.

I was 18 in the summer of 90' when Vance Astro and the other Guardians entered my life. The series along with the likes of "SleepWalker" and "DarkHawk" littered the stands. I tried the cosmic title until a little past issue 25 because it was Marvel, but it lingered on long after I was disgusted with it, #62. It could only be doomed if the Spirit of Vengeance had to make an appearance in the 31st century (#13) to keep it going. I like cameos and guest appearances but this was stretching it.

Between leaving my LCS and arriving home I read my comics in order of what I think would be best, last. In this case my copy of Uncanny Avengers #4. I shouldn't have, that honor should have gone to the Uncanny X-Men #2 which was damn close competing with DC's Aquaman #17 wrapping up the "Throne of Atlantis" with an epilogue hinting at a gritty future for the King if Atlantis . So what made me pick up a fourth book? Why did I leave with a copy of Guardians of the Galaxy?

Lets face it, "Guardians of the Galaxy" is the cosmic equivalent to The Human Fly or Team U.S.A. These space faring rejects were the characters not good enough to hang out with the Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, or even Rom.

I could tell you that Peter Quill's father was a King of a galactic empire. I could tell you that he fell to Earth and stayed long enough to have an Earth woman fall in love with him. I could even tell you that this was enough for Meredith Quill to give birth nine months later. This was done all in one issue. And by the by I could also tell you that Iron Man is at the end talking to Peter Quill about joining the "Guardians". But I wont tell you any of that.

The book begins thirty years ago and jumps to ten yeas later by page 13, it wasn't the type of jump you would feel teaching a sixteen year old how to drive stick; Brian Michael Bendis created a smooth transition between two adults falling in love and creating a ten year old that acts like a ten year old, even upset towards his mother who is still in love with a man that was never there for them.

This couldn't be done without the artistic talents of Steve McNiven. Bendis has been (dare I say) an architect of the Marvel Universe for a great many years and I'm glad that he is changing the X-Men like he did the Avengers, but I would have to lie if I said that this Pre-issue one does not have me looking forward to the official start soon after spring arrives.

The short of it...
Buy it, read it, collect it

Thanks for Reading

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