Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man #4: a Roundabout Review

Amazing Spider-Man #4

Written by Dan Slott
Pencilled by Humberto Ramos

Spoilers spoilers spoilers

The Long of it...

I always loved the romance between MJ Watson and Peter Parker. I grew up with the flirtations and was rewarded with issue #290, when Peter proposed. Annual #21 was a jackpot issue, with two covers to choose from. I never thought about buying both. 

Joe Quesada changed all that, treating decades of continuity with wild abandon, giving Peter a Brand New Day.  And ever since Dan Slott took over, I've truly enjoyed the title. Superior Spider-Man was exceptional, but having Mr. Parker back is like wearing comfortable shoes. 

Issue #4 of the Amazing Spider-Man never made it home unread. On my public transit commute, I realized I couldn't wait. I pulled the comic out of the brown paper bag and engulfed myself. I was finally getting more than a few pages of a character rumored to change Peter's life forever. I was expecting Silk to be another Speedball or Alpha, but Dan made her so much more. Here was a character who was built right into Peter's origin as Spider-Man. The story was even mixed with another tale from years ago with Ezekiel and Morlun, but don't tell Marvel that, they might start over again with a number one.

Cindy Moon was a classmate of Peter Parker,  and before you ask, "Why are we just hearing about her in 2014 and not 1963?", I will tell you it is because of Original Sin. If Thor could have a sister, why couldn't the radioactive spider bite one more person?

Ezekiel hid Cindy away from Morlun. She practiced her abilities in secret as Peter used his in public. She's stronger, faster, and has even developed a more advanced power set, including barbs in her webs; yes,"her" webs, but it doesn't stop there. Peter's Spider sense reacts to Cindy in a whole different manner; it attracts him to her, much like I imagine his spider tracers do after flicking them on his prey (super-villains). 

I'm going to skip the part about the Black Cat and the part where we find out Morlun is alive. I'm even going to skip where Silk freaks out as Peter mentions that Morlun was killed...and killed again. Silk is so enraged with this news that she quickly lands one on Peter...twice; once with her hand, and on the final page with the final panel, once with her lips!

Suffice it to say, not only was this the best Spider-Man comic I have read in a while, it was the best comic book I have read in a long time, period! I think once I get done at work I'm going to read it again.

The Short of it...

Buy it.

5 out of 5 stars 
Thanks for reading

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