The long of it:
Image has been a small powerhouse originally taking a piece of the industrial pie from the major two, DC and Marvel. Of course when they were first created it was almost like they were a Marvel lite. Titles such as Spawn, Youngblood, and Wildcats were added to my subscription list. I was Well into my adult life when I had to stop collecting. Space became scarce and my purge of possessions ended with the majority of my comic books. After my reclamation to the comic market I picked up my favorites based on memory. Image was not part of that process. I never jumped on the Walking Dead band wagon and still haven't, mainly because I'm not a Zombie Fan. I even skipped a few other decent stories due to the lack of money but now that Comixology has specials every Monday for .99 I have found it to be a glorious Monday indeed.
Stuck on a slow day at work I decided to purchase Morning Glories #1 and Son of Merlin #1. The following issues of the Son of Merlin were subsequently higher in price so I passed, as much as I enjoyed the premiere. Morning Glories however had issues one through twenty five all below one dollar. I have picked this up in Fat Jack's, skimmed through it, and passed on purchasing the book. At ninety nine cents I vowed to only buy the first one, then I vowed I would only buy the first story line. I didn't abide by that either. After reading a full nine issues at work on my iPhone and another nine issues at home I plan on getting to the last issue I have. But, then what? Will I continue to collect at the full retail price or wait again for a sale?
The artwork is clear cut and easy on the eyes. The story is J.J. Abrams-esque by giving flashbacks with the characters mainly involved. Nick Spencer is spinning a tale that Joe Eisma articulates very well. The covers alone by Rodin Esquejo are tantalizing that purchasing copies graded by CGC are weighing heavily on my mind and I wonder why I didn't skip a cup of coffee or two just to purchase the book...ok I know why I didn't skip coffee.
I picked up another Image title dubbed Non-Humans to figure out if I want the actual comic book or just the digital rendition. My decision was once that series was over I would stick with a Comic book I could hold in my hand and only get the digital copy if it came free with the comic book (thank you Marvel, but please have Daredevil added back to that mix). However, at .99 cents how could I pass on getting the whole series available.
The short of it:
Get the series by trade, back issues, or digital, but buy this title to read.
Thanks for Reading