Comics have helped define me in the past. Comics have helped me learn to read. Comics are a big part of what I am. Much like a song can move the soul, or a picture can bring a tear, and the written word can change a thought, comics can teach.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sporadic Service
I don't know what it is with me and electronics these days. I purchased a Blue ray copy of Star Wars and the sound is messed up on Episode 4, you know the original. I need to return that but I also need some sleep. There are things in my life that are spiraling out of my control and others that are coming back into it. I need to juggle better because some of the eggs are beginning to fall. We will keep this blog at two paragraphs maybe then I will only be at my computer another twenty minutes.
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Sunday, September 25, 2011
Catching up on Sleep
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Winning in an Auction
Friday, September 23, 2011
Another New Mutants #98
Pedigree's September auction had a 3rd copy of New Mutants #98 in a 9.9, this was also a universal grade and not a signature series. I decided to place a losing bid ($300) just to get an e-mail on it. I think I was the winning bidder all for about two hours. I do have a 9.6 copy (this is my original copy) and a 9.8 SS copy I bought from Comics To Astonish. I also tend to look to upgrade any book on the New Mutants set if I can. Hence why many of them are signature series. Issue #98 might just be the only issue i didn't buy a universal grade first and then upgraded.
Even though issue #98 has a slew of first appearances(3) and the more popular character is appearing all over the Marvel map I do not believe that book is worth that much. Maybe I should possibly ay it isn't worth that much tome but since the average price for New Mutants #98 in a 9.9 is over $6000 I could be slightly wrong. If a fourth one comes up I will bid on it again but not an amount that it would be more wisely spent to purchase another book, let's say #168 in a 9.8
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
I hate the USPS
I try again, maybe I missed a key, a number, or letter. Once again it is invalid. I hit the "gorgot password link" and it asks me what is my favorite holiday. I answer. Apparently I answered wrong. Multiple times. How many favorite holidays do I have? I get so frustrated I decide to type in another name and just start over. The name I use is USPSSUCKS. It flags me for profanity. SO I try again with IhatetheUSPS..... this time it was taken. Apparently I am not the only person that hates this organization. I am almost happy to hear that Saturday delivery will be cancelled. Maybe if they did their job properly they wouldn't be having these hardships.
Why do I hate them, because they like to steal packages and then say the neighbor did it. Let me guess he also forged my signature, you know the one that they caught the employee for. Yup, the employee was caught forging my signature...admitted it and all. I did get that package back and when I called back the following week to find out the resolution of this problem....the manager, the one that seemed very amicable...well, she didn't exist. That's right I was told there was no one there by that name. So now after posting this rand...because that is exactly what it is.... I am going to a UPS store to ship my comic books down to Florida. At least then I know they will get there.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Getting Ready to Ship
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Passing on Books
Monday, September 19, 2011
Taking a Day Off
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Running Late
Friday, September 16, 2011
How Much do I spend?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Getting Confirmation
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Rumor Has it!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What about the Doctor?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Once Again with the Internet
Sunday, September 11, 2011
To be Delivered....or Lost
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Working with a Broken Toe
Friday, September 9, 2011
An Ever Vicious Cycle
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Today is the Day….After Pt 2
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Today is the Day Pt 2
Anytime there was a holiday on a Monday in the past comic book shops always had the new comics for the week go on sale Thursday instead of Wednesday. There were many times I forgot and still made my way to the shop to buy my new books. I never felt like an idiot when this happened, just disappointed in myself that I didn’t remember. This year, for some odd reason, the holidays did not seem to effect comic book release dates.
I made my trek into center city to buy my comic books. Since it was a holiday week, it just took longer for the store employees to place them on the shelf. I am patient so I decided to look at the back issues before finally making my way to the new issues. Today was the day I was going to pick up two DC books. Some of them seemed to be up first so I scanned through them. I looked at Swamp Thing since I fondly remember a bit of that series from my youth, written by Alan Moore if I remember correctly. I always thought the un-men were cool.
Of course I also checked out Detective comic books and Action Comics along with Hawk and Dove, and OMAC. This gave me time to think. Which one should I buy? Action should have been a no brainer, that and Detective comic books. Swamp Thing did look good but did I want to spend my hard earned money. I wondered and saw that the only books Marvel had for me this week was New Avengers Annual #1 and X-Men #17. I bought those, two bags and boards and nothing else.
I do like a good impulse buy every now and then, and even looked at Action Comics #508 that I should have picked up but I have to say Sorry DC, this week I think I will pass. It is not that I don’t want to give you a chance but I think I would rather go buy a few Fables trades or maybe just maybe see if Batman and Robin, or Green lantern might hold more of an interest for me when they arrive at my LCS next week.
Thanks for Reading.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
This for That
I joined the CGC registry over two years ago. My points recently have stagnated. The only way I can go up in the ranking is to add all my CGC comic books, including the ones I wish to sell, or buy more comic books. I started looking at one of my Favorite websites for that hoping maybe I can get a good deal. I want to do this, I truly do, but then my budget is shot. I won’t have the money to send in fifty books to CGC next month. This is where I take a deep breath.
I have to remind myself to be patient, to wait. What I should be doing is diligently place items on eBay that I don’t want anymore. My issues of FF for instance. I wouldn’t mind selling all five for a nominal price just to get rid of them. If I can start off just selling a few issues and not spend the money the second it arrives in PayPal I might be able to save up for that one particular item I want. This will take time.
I look around my abode and see two of my collections displayed predominantly. They are my comic books and my shot glasses. The other portion of this collection is my Star Wars items. Some are displayed but not all, like my action figures. They are placed in safely in totes and stored in my closet, dry and dark, two of the best things for a collection to be placed in. I should start selling them. Part of me is crying out no, the other part is thinking that they will only be a sacrifice if I buy what I truly want.
Monday, September 5, 2011

It always seems that when I am hurt I try to do more. Waiting tables with a broken toe is no exception. I did this for a couple hours with horrendous results. If I succeeded I would finally be where I was hoping to be with paying off what I owe my Father. All in all I will at least be able to pay off half of it. I was hoping to get the whole lump sum completed so this way I could borrow yet more money to get some books graded, about fifty of them.
September 18th is the next comic convention in Philadelphia. It is a small con which happens about ten times a year but I get to find some good deals. I will also buy some bags there so I can bag and board the books I plan to send into get graded. If I am lucky I will be able to sell off what I don’t want and keep the ones I do. The funds from this mini venture should pay off what I borrowed from my father and give me an amount to use for a second grouping of fifty. Not to mention being able to add to my Daredevil collection starting with issue #180.
I don’t want to make a living off this but I do want to be able to purchase larger ticketed items, like a Daredevil #168 in a 9.8, this book averages around $700. I won’t pay above five. But the other numbers surrounding that will cost an average of $100 a piece. I can’t afford that at $2.83 an hour no matter how many extra hours I work, of course I just have to make sure I have no more broken toes.
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Sunday, September 4, 2011
Craving My Addiction
At times when I was younger I needed a comic book much like a smoker needs a cigarette. I am feeling that way now. Unfortunately it is not any comic book I want but the ones I am patiently waiting for so I can add them to my collection. Of course I am talking about CGC graded comic books. I have four that I will not be able to get before the 18th of September, another which is in transit somewhere, and a few more at CGC itself. All in all I have at least ten more waiting to come to me. I can wait till Wednesday when new books arrive; I don’t yet feel like I need a comic book to read. I still have enough here.
I want to add to my registry. I want to show that I am an avid collector not just by my words but by my collection. This is a nagging hunger, one I have to squelch or I fear it will encompass me and dwindle my funds. This past week was a glorious opportunity for me to jump ahead of the game with extra hours. A broken toe destroyed this hope. Over this next month I will have to budget tighter because next month in October I plan to send in more books to get graded, twenty for my collection and thirty to hopefully sell.
Of course what am I going to do with that thirty??? I am going to sell them to put towards more books. My addiction doesn’t have to control me. With proper thought and planning instead of craving my addiction I can feed it.
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Saturday, September 3, 2011
Benefit of the Doubt
I have collected DC comics in the past but my passion was with Marvel and has so remained with them. I picked up Flashpoint #1 because then ending of the book gripped me much like a novel by my favorite author’s Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Book two became a letdown, but that’s ok because you need to drop after such a climatic first issue and build from there. The series was written like a short story with the highs and lows. The unfortunate circumstance is although you can read the five issue limited as a while story, you don’t get the full effect unless you read the side stores. Something I am not going to do.
Books I collected in the past from this company were JLA, Action, Batman, Detective, JLA Europe (am I remembering that title correctly), Captain Atom, Hawk and Dove, Teen Titans, New Teen Titans (I loved Brother Blood), Captain Carrot, Green Lantern, well I can go on. I was disappointed in the end of Flashpoint that Batman knew The Flash but in JLA he didn’t know anyone. I’ll have to see if they resolve this or if they started off with a mistake. So for the month of September I pledge to give DC a try, after all I will need wrapping paper in December.
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Friday, September 2, 2011
I am normally off every Thursday. It is my one day off out of the week. This week however, my day off….well it doesn't exist. I don’t mind either because it was an easy day at work. They wanted me to manage and it was so dead managing was easy. The difficult part was watching my fellow coworkers struggle for tables. There weren't any. The other struggle was when a table finally came in I had to hobble them to a seat on a broken toe.
I knew my toe was broken but the adult in me said go to the doctor’s. I did, it cost $15. They didn't want to tell me my toe was broken so they sent me to get an x-ray, it cost $25. I went home after the wait and tried to get some sleep before working my extra night shift. I missed the call from the Doctor and was able to call them back and talk to them right before they closed. Their final verdict was…. It is broken. I spent $40 to find that out. I just bought a copy of X-Men #199 for $36 in a CGC 9.8 with white pages and the shipping was included. Please, you tell me the better deal.
I know I spend a lot of money on comic books. I do. My healthcare increased over a span of six months and I didn't even use it. I know my healthcare will go up again so this time I am trying to get my money’s worth, but another $40 on top of my $200 plus a month just to have the card. Blue Cross Blue shield my ass, it’s more like Blue Anchor, Blue rock.
I was ahead of my budget for the month and now I am set back, I am not blaming the breaking of my toe for taking my extra funds. A lot of that extra money disappearing is due to buying comic books too. I mean I did by the JLA #1 from DC without originally meaning too. I know it was only $4, hold the line at $2.99??? So even though I hobbled and winced with each step I did put in an extra shift, an extra shift which will add to my extra funds which in turn will add to even more comic books. Unless I decide to accidently break the other toe.
Thank for Reading
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Today is the Day....After
After getting two CGC graded comic books in the mail and a broken toe which was not in the mail but from getting the mail I went to my LCS to pick up my comic books. The whole way there I denied myself the right to purchase the new JLA. I was getting Flashpoint but there was no singe way I was going to start with the new 52. I said this. I thought this, but I knew I would be buying the New JLA. On the way home I read Flash Point and JLA.
I wanted to see where they were going and unless they can explain something better I am already upset at how this is going. After one book and I already see a flaw, a major one. This is a blog and I plan to rant freely but if you haven’t read the aforementioned books read no further. This is your warning. At the end of Flashpoint Bruce Wayne knew who the Flash was. You could tell they were friends. An ominous entity explained to the Flash as everything was changing that although there were three there is now one (Future story line here for “their” impending arrival). I can deal with that, it is a comic book. I can even deal with the note the Flash took with him from Thomas Wayne to Bruce Wayne. In fact I like that, I like that a lot. It was nice to see an emotional side to Bruce.
What I don’t understand in the next book I read drawn by the Amazing Jim Lee (I never realized how much I missed his artwork). Green Lantern and Batman meet for the first time. Two major JLA’ers coming together fresh and by the end of the issue the third major player is introduced, Superman Not to skip Vic who was also shown amongst the pages as an amazing basketball star but the major three didn’t seem to know each other, and if that is the case how come Bruce Wayne was so knowledgeable about Barry Allen. How can they start over new, not have Green lantern and Batman know each other but still have The Flash know Batman. Unless The Flash knows everyone and everyone knows the Flash I for one am going to be very upset at this re-launch because all they did was start off with a huge mistake. Give it a year and they will explain it away with some kind of Crisis of Infinite Earths.
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