Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today is the Day

I don’t know how I feel. The DC universe is getting a do over. 52 titles are getting the reboot. I can almost feel the collective DC board hoping and praying this marketing scheme will prevail. I for one said there was no way I was going to pick up Justice League of America #1, and I meant it. Didn't I? Here I sit in front of my computer waiting for the USPS service to arrive and drop off my latest CGC graded comic book before heading to my LCS to pick up my new books.

I plan on getting Flashpoint #5 and although I have not been following the side storylines I may pick them up as trades if I really need them for the storyline. But why did I even pick up Flashpoint to begin with? I love cliff hangers. Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child are great novelists in my opinion and when I saw the last page of issue #1 of DC’s major story of the year I was hooked. I loved the twist of Thomas Wayne surviving and his son Bruce Wayne was killed instead after seeing Zorro.

So what am I going to do when I am in my LCS skimming through the comic book? Am I going to buy it? Will I pass? Will I love it so much I will spend my hard earned money on a copy in a CGC Gem Mint ten? As a Marvelite, I should pass. As a person who is limited in space, I should pass. My limited funds tell me to pass. But my collector’s heart scrams at me to buy 50 copies. So maybe I’ll just get one, you know, to read it.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Trimming my collection

Working nights hinders the ability to enjoy the day, but every once in a while I escape from my humble abode and walk out into the sky to go pay my rent. This slight escape allows me to bask in the sun and try to darken my pale skin. I make this trek every month and I follow this by creating a budget on how the next month is going to be. This pre-planning helps me collect the comic books I enjoy so much. I am at the end of my New Mutants run that I have diligently pursuing for about over the last two years. I am happy with my collection and what I have accomplished in that time.

The second part I have decided to do was send in fifty books for grading and encapsulation. This has been a hindrance for me because I do not have the cash to accomplish this in one lump sum. Of course this is where my Father comes in. I owe him a little bit more for the computer I have since he put it on his charge card and they put out the money for me to get the insurance on my comic books. If all goes according to my budget I should have that paid off and then I can send in fifty more books to get graded. Twenty are for me. I hope this amount will be mixed between my New Mutants that I purchased off the shelf and copies of my Sandman series.

The other thirty is the tricky part. I have decided to send these in for a minimum grade of 9.6. Sure I might not be able to get a premium price but I can most likely recoup what I spent. For instance I have a copy of WildCats Gold #1 that will probably get a 9.6. Should I send it in with a pre-screen of 9.8 and be denied the grade I was hoping for. A 9.6 would sell for a minimal price and I am OK with that because then it will be in someone’s collection that will cherish it. My collection is growing, although I do not believe it will be at the three hundred I was hoping for by the end of the year it has come a long way from the 166 I had about this time last year.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Under Locke and Key

As much as CGC changed the way I collect comic books I wouldn't be collecting the way I am if they weren't good. A few months ago on FCBD I picked up a whole bunch of comics, both free and not. One of the books that I decided to try was Locke & Key. As with past FCBD’s the comic books were mostly reprints. This was true for Locke & Key but since I haven’t read it before I was enthralled. I was also skeptical…was it really that good. I read it again. It was a quick and easy read. When I read the original in its trade form I noticed the reprint was also edited (formatted to fit your screen). I read the comic book one more time when I realized I had to get this story.

I found book two in a Barnes and Noble and purchased the book deciding I would wait till I purchased book one. With Wizard World Philadelphia approaching the very next month I decided to wait to read it so I can purchase the trades at the show for a discounted price. Unfortunately the first and third trades were at full price (still a bargain at $24.99) when I bought them and I couldn't wait…. I already read book two. It was after I purchased the other trades that I decided I wanted to get this series in a CGC 9.8 “white pages” or better. I checked out eBay and found a Gem Mint ten. I bartered and bought the copy.

When I got the book in I was thrilled to have my second Gem Mint Book. I was going to check out the registry and add it right away when I saw the person who was in first. His set was amazing. I felt once again how I felt when I first saw Bagofleas in the lead of the New Mutants set, which was pretty much I’ll never be able to get a better set then this guy. I was ready to quit before I even started and didn’t even bother with adding the book. I have been checking out eBay and other sources and decided that it was worth collecting.

I started the New Mutants set not because I wanted to be first, but because I wanted them all. They were (and are) my favorite. So after some thought I decided to collect the Locke & Key books after all but I would on get them if they were a 9.8 SS or better. Something I started to do with the New Mutants. I hope to get no lower than a 9.9 but will settle for the 9.8’s. I knew if I was going to get a set of this series then it would be because I like the series not that I have to be the best. I added my set only recently and then saw the person that had the first place was gone.

I don’t know why he is gone but I wish him well. Many other people who are collecting Locke & Key have purchased books from him. The ones that I have noticed have even mentioned this thanking him. It will be a long time before my collection of this title goes anywhere since I will have to be patient. I have learned patience. I only need a handful more of the New Mutants so I feel comfortable in moving on. There are others I thought I would have enjoyed collecting and I might have before Locke & Key but now I feel like selling them off because if they are not something I want to collect, why should I?

Someone wrote how there are collectors who need to complete the whole series. ….. This is how I am for eighty percent of my CGC collection, okay maybe ninety. There are many DC comic books out there, yes DC that I want to get and have no desire o get anymore. I just want them because of the memories they bring. They are also a bit of money to just get and not have a set. I feel odd buying a book just for the one copy and then using it for points. I have to remind myself I am not using it for points. I am getting it because I like it, which of course is why I am starting with the series Locke & Key.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Waiting Out the Storm

I was supposed to work a double today. The night was so dreadfully slow that after nine and half hours they asked if I wanted to go home. I figure since I am just working a double again tomorrow I would. I made it home during a slow portion of the hurricane slightly envious that the people at work will still be able to watch the show. I have windows but living in the basement does not give me a room with a view.

For about five days I was not able to use my computer since I thought there was some hidden virus even after doing a virus scan. My best friend looked it over and gave me the clean bill of health, well my computer anyway. It seemed it might be Verizon’s fault with my USB connection the internet. I am updating my drivers and I hope that I won’t have another problem, but this gives me piece of mind because now I can try to update my CGC collection by taking pictures and uploading them to the registry.

I have many pieces of my collection that along with the purchase I was able to download the appropriate photo. Not so with books I had graded myself. Tonight might be a good night to pull some of my graded books out and do my best to photograph them without a flash or reflection and load them to the computer. Afterwards I just have to configure them to be under the required allotted amount of digital space. Who knows, maybe I can do this until it gets so bad….my electric goes out.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Needing Gas

There is nothing like needing gas in your car and when you slip the key in to unlock the gas tank….yup, it’s broken. No the key, but the lock. Someone deliberately stuffed something in there and I wonder if someone just had nothing better to do, did they think the car was someone else’s or some vindictive co-worker. I tend to write about comics here because it is a love that I have, but when something like this happens I get a little frustrated. What compounds this frustration is the fact I just came off one double and I have two more to go.

This means that I have to get up a few hours after I get into bed, wake up, call the mechanic (if not walk over there), and try to get my car fixed all before two o’clock tomorrow. Did I mention anything about Hurricane Irene coming in? My customers mentioned her all day today and my thoughts were when it happens it happens. It’s not bravado on my part or some kind of macho egotistical “I am not afraid) idiocy, nope it is simply I have no faith in the people that report the weather. When it happens….it happens.

So let us assume that it does happen and Septa (The public transportation system in Philadelphia) does close down. Do I try to walk? DO I call a cab? I won’t call out. As I am writing this I am trying to research the storm….and it seems like a heavy rain. I can carry my comic books home in the heavy rain with no worrisome thoughts. I have my car already sitting at the mechanics. I just hope they can work on it right away. I don’t even care if they break the lock and fix it later. I just want to be able to fill my car with gas (Petrol if you are reading this overseas) and get to work, this way, yup you guessed….I can earn money for comic books.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Supporting your Hobby

I never meant to write every day, but it is cheaper to do so than to go out and buy a comic book. I have enough to read, or rather to read over but where do I start? Do I start with my oldest issue? Do I start from where I collected? It seems off that I am having more fun collecting the comic books from my teenage years then I am collecting current issues. I fear that with trades coming out so quickly and on almost every title that I am beginning to think maybe I should just collect those.

I enjoy collecting CGC graded comic books and am currently even upgrading my latest set to a signature series. It was reported new comic book sales declined last month a whopping 8 percent. Eight percent is a lot and I wonder if this is because of Borders closing or the rise of the graded comic book. After all I don’t see sales declining when last month someone purchased a Captain America #1 for over $300,000. I am sure that any single comic shop would love to be able to make that amount off of comic books in a month.

Recently a comic shop closed as well. What does that mean for the future of comic books? Will store fade away? Will online services take over? Will digital take advantage? As a hobbyist I do support my LCS often, once a week often, but I also support my book store. My shelves are far from barren. Unfortunately there is no happy medium. One will succeed, one will falter, I just hope however many years I have left (and I hope they are a lot) that I am not around to see it.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back on my Computer

For the past few days I have been stuck entering my blogs by my phone. Even though I was fortunate to be able to do so, I started to miss a lot of stuff i took for granted. For instance as I am writing this I am following an eBay item that will be ending in over thirty minutes. Of course this will be for a comic book graded by CGC. a comic book I technically don't even collect anymore since Daredevil went on his own. Either way I plan on bidding on it and if I am lucky will win.

The other item I have been having withdrawal symptoms form is being able to write on Comicbooked. com It has been far too long that i was able to post anything. I plan on getting some sleep first but one i wake up I will persevere through the amount of writing I have to get done. Writing for fun is great, writing with a cause in mind is a bit more difficult. I actually want to continue to write now...but my eyes are getting heave and even now I am hoping I can stay up to bid.

I also miss interacting with the registry members and notice a great many journals have been added over the past five days. I look forward to mentioning on the journals I can and of course adding my own. I think I currently have 169 and hope to grow to 200 by my two year anniversary date. Well I am off to go check out the auctions I missed in the hopes that I might find a book I need, a rare find, or a very cheap deal.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blog by Phone

I worked once again through the night. At the moment I am using my phone to enter another blog entry. Even though it is so much easier to use my computer to do my writing I am glad I am able to blog by phone. I only wish it was easier to add my journal entries on the CGC registry.

I could do it with the same difficulty I am having right now but with all the journals being added my mindset is to stay on the path. I do know once my computer is fixed then I should be back writing with a vengeance. I will also be looking for more CGC graded comic books. The short amount of time that I have been working a bit more than I have been is helping immensely in a financial capacity.

Every Wednesday I make this trek to my Father's for Coffee. A journey I cherish week in and week out. It isn't just the coffee, it is also because he joins me at the comic shop. Sure, he stays outside most of the times but occasionally he does come inside. If I am lucky maybe I can get him to go to the comic convention in New York. The New York part is easy, it's the comic convention that will be the challenge.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One step closer

I just purchased my last available New Mutants book. It was a signed signature series copy of #87 by Stan Lee. They lowered the price to an amount I was comfortable with. I know Stan Lee had nothing to do with the book but since I had so many of the Liefeld set already set I figured why not.

After I purchased it a second one showed up on eBay. This one was a bidding option. I am going to bid on it to a certain price because it is signed by someone who actually had something to do with the book. I have the extra funds since I am almost done with the set. There are only a few left that I need so I started to upgrade to a signature series for the ones I don't already have.

Twenty percent of my set is signed. I sent out four more to get another couple signatures hoping they retain a 9.8. After I pay those off I'll need to finally send those books in I want to get graded, some to flip, some to keep. CGC has been slow grading and when I sent my books in last October I got them back quickly. By the time I send them in I should have the money.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Comfortably Numb

It is almost four in the morning and I want nothing more to do than listen to Pink Floyd. A friend of mine, my best friend feels a local radio station plays them to much. This might be one of the reasons I want to listen to them so desperately.

Without a computer I am struggling from writing more about comic books. I watched the fourth Indiana Jones movie. I placed some comic books in order and I glanced at some more eBay items for sale. One of which is a CGC copy of New Mutants #87 2nd print. The starting bid is at .99 cents. I purchased mine at way above that price.

So what does that have to do with Pink Floyd? Nothing. It's just that when I listened to songs like Another Brick in the Wall pt.2 or Comfortably numb I always felt like everything was going to be alright. I could be wrong though..... I might have to listen to Stairway to Heaven.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Good Day at Work

August is normally a slow time for business unless you are located in a prime vacation spot. This is not the case for where I work. In fact August is such a struggle I tend to work the extra hours whenever they are offered. I work 55 hours a week already I figure an extra 16 won't hurt.

As slow as this month gets I am surprised at the amount of tips I am pulling in. I am actually doing so much better then I expected I might be able to get myself the four comic books this month rather than two now and two next month. I will have an better answer later this evening after I make my deposit.

Lately I have been relaxed in my buying of CGC graded comic books. I should laugh at this because it was only a couple weeks ago that I spent over $600 on 11 books, not to mention the additional $120 I spent on one more. I think I feel so at ease because I only need a handful more and should readily be able to afford whatever is asked.

What I should do is start sending the books in my collection to get graded. I have so many ideas I am not quite sure what I should do. I have tried many times to take a one month hiatus and have not been able too, maybe with the computer down for at least a couple days will help continue growing my bank account.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

A needed time out

My computer has decided to take a holiday and although I have a smart phone there is only so much it can do. I am comforted by the fact I have an app that allows me to bid and buy things on ebay. It is the other sites that I can't function to well when I am seeking the comics I want.

So what happens now? Without having a computer for the next few days I will most likely save money. At times in the past I have imposed on myself a month hiatus on purchasing CGC graded books. This has not always been successful. I would discover a book that I just had to have. With my computer.... Vacationing I have to hope that I don't miss anything I want.

The more difficult part is not being able to write on like I have been, or a better example of my withdrawal and not being able to write on the registery as I have been doing for almost two years ago. There is a lot going on over there and I feel out of the loop. Wednesday can't come fast enough for me to not only get my comics fix but my computer fixed too.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Blogging without a Computer

My computer and I are having a disagreement and although I rudely forced a shut down, the computer is winning. I had plans to update a portion of my CGC comic book collection and update my data base with my new books.

The most difficult part is not being able to write. Sure I can swype a quick blog but it isn't the same. I had a few articles I was finishing up and now I am sitting here trying to express myself through my phone. I work six days a week and Thursday is that one day I can play catch up on my chores and leisurely enjoying my comic books.

I wanted to start photographing my encapsulated books and although I can take the photos I won't be able to view them properly until my computer is up and running. I tend to start all my blogs/journals with paper and pen but then transfer it to my computer with voice recognition software. Today I feel let down by technology and really wish I had a ribbon for my typewriter.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Conversations Towards Comic Books

I have collected comic books for so long that it is part of me. I live each day with thoughts about it, whether those thoughts are about the companies that produce it or the titles that I collect. Writing about comic book also is a beautiful reason to always be talking about it. The other day a customer case in, he had a book under his arm and I asked what it was. It was a book written by Mercedes Lackey. Eventually, and quite quickly this conversation turned towards comic books.

I know what does Mercedes Lackey and comic books have anything at all to do with one another. For one, the only book I ever read of hers was collaboration between her and Piers Anthony. Still it seems a pretty far stretch for the Xanth novels author to comic book conversation to occur. Not so. In the nineties there was a comic book company called Innovation which closed its doors entirely too early in my opinion. They were producing a comic book called On a Pale Horse. This prestigious format was fully painted and the paper was not your typical comic book paper that everyone else was using. This was a premium. On a Pale Horse was also written by Piers Anthony.

Another conversation I had the next day was about pool. Once again I turned this conversation into comic books as well. The person I was chatting with was a previous co worker. We never chatted with each other when we worked. It was afterwards when she and I crossed paths between pool teams. We started talking about cue sticks which can cost a bit of money. The one stick I currently want will cost me about $500. When I told her that all I had to do was stop buying comic books for a month and I can get the stick her eyes lit up ever so slightly. Then I revealed the cost of my collection and what I could get for it if I sold it. Once again her eyes lit up.

I wasn’t bragging as much as I was destroying a fallacy. Most people do tend to think of our hobby as some nerdistic (yes, I made that word up) escape and not as a possible investment. I never plan on selling my comic books. I did have to sell off a very large portion of my collection but that money was then reinvested into my current collection. I do have insurance on my collection. One that will continue to go up over the years, but the one thing I might be able to do with an extensive list and proof of insurance is get a loan towards a house. I don’t know if this is true or not but I will look into it one day. How many of my co-workers would stop laughing at my collection if I were able to by a house and only because I collect comic books.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Comic Books or Novels?

I have been fortunate. Every week I pick up comic books. That is not the fortunate part. That part belongs to being able to afford them Week in and week out. Occasionally a novel will also be release that I was looking forward too. Normally I look forward to them, this past month I had a few surprises. A couple of authors I like are Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. They do write separately and they are good but together they are so much better.

I was able to get through Cold Vengeance in one week, and the only reason why it took so long is I didn’t want it to end. I knew A Star Wars book was to be out that I was looking forward too but a surprise manifested in a title called Choices of one. This was written by Timothy Zahn. Once again this took me a week. This took that long because I didn’t have the time. The one that I was looking for came out a week later. This was also a Star Wars title. Their latest series of Novels is called Fate of the Jedi and the book is called Ascension. I have yet to start it. For a while my expanded universe only consisted of Dark Horse comic book. I have since stopped collecting those for reasons unknown.

It is very rare when I get so many novels that I look forward to reading. I am used to getting my comic books every week, and each comic is like a chapter of a whole story. My comic books for this week will be completed before I go to bed. The novels take a bit longer and when I finish this latest one the 20th anniversary edition of Heir to the Empire will have been released. And although I have read it before I shall do so again, this time it will be this silver covered copy.

After all these Star Wars books are done I just might go back and try to revisit the Dark Horse Star Wars universe. After all they did a great job on the Sith War introducing Bane, which also became novels, and not to mention the Crimson Empire was a great limited series. What is your favorite Star Wars expanded universe story? Is it a novel or book, Marvel or Dark Horse?

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Comfortable Around Comic Books

I was always able to find comfort in between the pages of a comic book. Some of the ones I read when I was younger were Richie Rich. I read the short stories in between over and over. Each issue had about three stories and a few one page mini’s. I his away from the world many times, sitting in my closet on top of toys and bags of clothing that were to be donated. The clothing was getting donated; the toys were mine to keep.

Nothing went wrong during this time of escape, nothing could. I was transported away from my problems and was kept amused by Dollar, Reginald, Cadbury (was that his name) and of Course Richie Rich, the poorest lil’ rich boy. These days I cannot remember the last time I picked up a Richie Rich. My escape is the Marvel universe with a few odd ball comics also taken form in my collection. There wasn't a day I couldn’t live without A Dark Horse Star Wars book.

Marvel has been keeping my business because they are telling stories I want to hear. Some might stray from what I am looking for. I do love the Ultimate Universe and the fact that anything can and does happen. The case I point was the recent Death of Spider-Man. This death is causing a new Number one and for some reason I can still accept that rather than what DC is doing. I wonder what would have happened if DC would have decided to have a universe like Marvel. Maybe even have Dream from the Sandman, correction Daniel create a brand new universe.

I am regressing. I type this as I have comic books next to me from a recent move, so many in fact that the light is cut off from shining in this corner. It is a temporary switch, one that will change again…although many months from now. I am comforted though that at any time I can just pull a book out and look at it and reread it….CGC withstanding. What do you do when you need to be comforted? Do you read them over, maybe catalog them, or place them on your bed and roll them over you like a blanket?

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Monday, August 15, 2011

What Happens when you Finish?

I am stuck. Out of the current set I am working to finish I only need five more. One is an upgrade and the others I do not have at all. Out of those remaining four, two of them do not currently exist. This might give me a moment to regroup my finances and start something new. I’d say I would give DC a chance but as I did in the past I just stopped collecting. It is nothing against DC, I just think that Marvel has captured childhood memories and I am trying to recapture those. He again I might collect them like I did with the Blackest Night story and get them in trade.

Daredevil is another character that has held solid for me….does that make sense? I only need three more out of the series. Tree more out of a series that went over 500 issues is not bad. Of course they did the unthinkable and started over with a number one…. again. I have wanted to get the Daredevil Miller years starting at issue #158 and ending at #191 in a 9.8. That will definitely add up, but I need a goal and that seems to be as good as any.

At times I have wondered why I collect. I never answered myself. In fact a friend I know hates that I collect, but I think that is only because she doesn’t understand. Have you ever had that, a friend that hates your collection and even more comic books themselves for no reason? This doesn’t bother me. I am old enough now to know comic books are cool, just like bow ties. One day I might find that woman who understands my craving for Wednesdays, and maybe she’ll have that craving too.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

When it's Pouring Down Rain

I hated when it rained on the comic book release date, especially when I was younger. The comic shop of choice at that time was ComicCards. This store is no longer around. It is also the store I base all other stores off of. At the time I walked there, cutting through side streets and a portion of woods called Pennypack Park. These days I would ask my retailer to double bag the comic books just in case. I wish I was smart enough to purchase bags and boards. Maybe if they would have sold them individually like my LCS does today I would have had my comics in better condition.

I would walk home with the double bagged comic books under my shirt. During my walk I would silently curse the rain. This wasn’t because it was raining because I love this aspect of nature. No, this was because I couldn’t read them on the way home. There was a spot I would stop at every week and read at least one or two because I couldn’t wait to get home. I can still read them when I pick up my books from my current LCS because I take public transit to and fro the shop, with a minimum amount of walking.

Since I started going to Fat Jack’s Comiccrypt in Center City Philadelphia I have been fortunate because it hasn’t rained that much on release date Wednesday. Today is the weekend, or a portion of it. The type of day that I was stuck inside and all I wanted to do was go to the comic shop. Days like this I would reread many of my comic books as I would listen to the pitter patter of rain knocking on my window. I am glad that it doesn’t rain as much when I do pick the books up in the first place because I do go through the scenario of what if? What if they get wet? What if I crease them? What if it is so bad I actually have to wait an extra day?

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Working the Graveyard Shift

I guess it is safe to say that I am allowed to sleep all day. My normal hours are 11 pm to 7 am. If I am lucky I get out of work early, I am even luckier if I make the money I need. I budget well. Every month I pay off my bills first. Everything else goes to comic books or savings. But what am I saving for. There is the proverbial rainy day. There is always that IPad for the days I feel like I want to add digital to my collecting abilities. Then of course there is SDCC 2012.

I never went to a convention outside Philadelphia. I never budgeted my money properly before to allow for such a thing. I am older and realized if I want to do certain things I must reward myself. At times I do go hog wild in purchasing a book….or eleven but what about the little things in life. Going places you never went before started to become a priority for me. I have not been to New York in a long time. I’ve never been to Baltimore or Chicago at all. So what if I decided to base all my travel plans around the cities that have major comic book events?

New York of course is closest for such an event and of course they do have a convention in October. This was going to be the first feasible one that I would get to go to. Alas that will not be the case since a friend of mine asked me to go to her brother’s wedding as her date. With this google plus one craze going on I feel the same way. I am her plus one. I don’t mind since my friends are more important then my comic books. I might not admit that much but it is the truth.

I won’t be going to these conventions to buy buy buy, but look. Maybe try to find other hobbyists who need help completing their collection. To teach them how to collect properly which is by setting a goal and what to collect, not as an investment, but as a joy, because whatever you collect it should be something that you love. Whether that comic book be the X-men, Daredevil, Spider-Man, or even Rom.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

The Digital Age of Comics?

I think I am sated. I might be good on collecting CGC graded comic books for the next month. I entered my New Mutants comic books onto the registry for my set. I have four more to still enter for another set and I even have four more that will be added to my signature series. All in all I am moving along at a nice pace. This brings me back to getting raw copies, books I can read. I still need Daredevil issues #2, #3, and #9 to complete that set. I could have finished long ago but isn't there something to the condition you might want. I hate buying a book at an over inflated price.

I could also save for another convention, or maybe something special like an iPad. This way I can start my digital collection. Don’t get me wrong I am a huge fan of having a book in my hands but I am also afraid of damaging my books as well. At a younger age I didn’t care. I would eat pizza and Lucky Charms as I read the tales of my heroes and villains. Every Wednesday I am there to pick up my comic books, with few exceptions. But Digital…should I fight against this?

Tales to Astonish is a series I would like to get. Issues #70 to #101. I have one and it is graded by CGC. I looked for the Marvel Masterworks o this series but have not found the first of the series I want. I would love to be able to buy all the issues for the same price as what I would have spent on a single book. Then I can slowly complete the collection in the best CGC grade I can afford. I don’t want digital to overtake the industry, just compliment it.

What are your thoughts? Do you scream against a digital comic book or rave to have Marvel Follow DC on day and date? I was once highly against CGC encapsulating a book away from a reader and now I enjoy collecting comic books all the more.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dropping a Work Shift

I work, sometimes I work too much. The extra hours I put in are rewarded with comic books. One such reward arrived this past Wednesday afternoon. Normally I get these things delivered in the morning and I have to wait till Thursday anyway. Not so this time since my package arrived through a different hub. This destroyed all sleep. Every car I heard made my jump thinking it was Santa bringing me my toys… I mean Fed Ex bringing me my Comic Books.

I just got finished adding my New Mutants issue #’s to my registry. This placed me in first. It took a long time to get here and there is no guarantee I will remain. The books are more expensive. I won’t deny that. For what I spent on new Mutants #98 signed by Rob Liefeld could have netted me the whole series….twice. I am ok with that because it is fun collecting these…over. Not only can I share them with others, they know that to get a better set they will have to compete with me.

I have another set in mind that I want to collect but to get a better set then the current first place holder will be somewhat difficult if not next to impossible. I did get to sleep and am refreshed for the next day after an evening of playing pool and cleaning my residence. I am trying to find a new way to display my comic books…and these things are getting heavier.

Are there any times that you pick up an extra shift just to buy an extra book or two? Did you ever wait all day for a packaged cancelling out anything else you were supposed to do?

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Almost Like Christmas Morning

Every Fed Ex Shipment I have ever gotten was always in the morning, a Wednesday morning. I remember this mainly for the fact that they always had to redeliver since I was with my Father for coffee. This time it was different. This time they delivered in the afternoon…when I sleep. Which let’s face it, how many of you as a child had trouble sleeping before Christmas morning.

My seven New Mutants graded in a 9.8 arrived a little past four in the afternoon. I should have went back to bed because I can only sleep about an hour more before going and hanging out with my best friend. I tossed and turned for fifteen minutes before realizing there would be no sleeping for me. My Christmas package had arrived and was silently pleading for me to open it. Who am I to deny a good package what it wants.

I opened the box, popcorn peanuts, bubble wrap, and comic books are what were inside. I ignored the invoice. Did I really want to recall what I paid? I did make sure all eleven books were in there and decided to start placing them on the registry, which coincidently thrusts me into first place. There are still a few others that I need but it feels so good that the number has diminished. With a series that spanned 100 issues, 7 annuals, 1 Special (by Art Adams no less) and a Graphic Novel for a total of 109 issues. If I don’t have them in a 9.8 I don’t have them at all with the exception of the graphic Novel. The best I have so far is only a 9.4.

The best part about them getting to me in the afternoon is I still got to have Breakfast with my Dad, my Wednesday comic pull list completed, and my package without having to wait an excruciating extra 24 hours.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Coffee with My Dad Part II

Every Wednesday without fail a package is due to be delivered. Let me explain further because that sounds like I get a package once a week. Whenever I order something, it seems without fail I will have this package delivered to me on a Wednesday. I don’t trust the USPS, they have proven themselves to be unreliable and sneaky even with a signature required. These days I ask for the package to be delivered to my father’s or through Fed Ex. My latest package was ordered over a week ago and somehow I knew it was to be delivered on a Wednesday.

After getting my confirmation that the package was picked up on a Saturday from Ohio I was overjoyed that I would be getting it Tuesday, my weekly Wednesday curse was broken, until I read closer. It stated that the package would be picked up the next business day due to the time. I was foiled again. Don’t these people know that I get my new comic books on Wednesday? Not only do I get my comic books on this day but I also see my father for coffee. I just never had an order this large come in before, or one that I want so bad.

I tend to be ritualistic. Every Wednesday morning the comic books shop, Wednesday night and I hang out with my best friend, Tuesdays and Thursday evenings I play pool, and so on. This package gives me pause. Two reasons both I hinted at, one I been wanting these comic books for so long and two I am afraid I won’t get them… what am I going to do Wednesday morning? I am going to go get coffee with my Dad.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, Monday

Every Monday I know I only have a couple days until comic books come out. This seems unusual for someone who doesn’t collect but no different than someone who can’t wait till Friday to start the weekend with a drink. We all have our rituals weather it is weekly, monthly or even daily. The comic books I choose are the ones I enjoy to read, I tend to stop collecting something if it loses my interest. I just don’t have the extra funds to purchase comic books in that way. I used to. I bought things just to help my collection grow.

I buy trades now on certain Mini-Series rather than get all issues with all variant covers. I want the story. I want to be entertained. Many smaller publishers will have limited series and only limited series. I enjoy this more than someone starting over. I know I am going to get a full story. It is going to start and it is going to end. Many titles that are continuous have added limited runs to add to their story; Magic was such a title for the New Mutants. It nestled in between a few panels of New Mutants #14.

Monday is also that strange day because it is not a day that I wake up and have to start a first day of the week. I have one day off and that is Thursday. My work day starts on a Sunday at 11 and end early Monday morning between 3 and four, this makes it my shortest work day. I also tend to edit some of my articles. In other words what you read is either a first draft that I tend to post and then rehash it over and over for it to be perfect.

Comic books are a simple means to tell a story. Sometimes these stories are grand in scope over decades of writing. Other times they are a small tale that will ripple across a lake. But every Wednesday I make the trek to my comic shop with the full intent to buy new comic books for the day and then on my way home amongst the bustle of public transportation I start to read a few rewarding my week not with a beer but with a story.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

A World Without Comic Books?

Once in a while I feel the need to rearrange my living quarters. I rent so I do not wish to call it my place, I just reside here. It is a small place but cheap and I find that it does suit my needs. Most of these times that I rearrange is for the sole reason of being able to display my comic book collection with the least bit of clutter. I have over 5,000 books in my collection currently. This number was once more that this, much more. Life changes, things happen but I vowed never to have to diminish my collection for reasons of space and money.

My collection of CGC books has increased to over two hundred; three hundred was my goal for the end of the year. This rearrangement process is done alone and takes some time. I had a great idea of separating my collection of CGC books and my raw books, this seems to be failing but as I have already disassembled my bed, moved it, and reassembled it I feel I already have to move forward with this endeavor. In my teens when I lived with my parents and my walls were adorned with poster after poster, comic book after comic book I enjoyed changing the look of my room. It felt wondrous to wake up to a new room. Now it is an apartment and this process takes longer.

During these frantic changes of location of my décor I have yet to reread my comic books. This is something I did when I was younger which elongated the time it took me to complete my goal. I have not done that in a real long time. Take my comic books; sprawl them onto my bed and read a story. The New Mutants are a title I read and reread. My issue #15, my original which happened to be the first book that started my collection was graded a 4.5. It wasn’t the first book I had but the one that without I would most likely not even be writing.

Have you wondered if there was a point in your life that if it did not happen how your life would be? A certain movie when you were five, a first kiss when you were 12, A comic book at the same age, a child being born, a car accident, or a dreadful mistake. We are what our past experiences make us, but ask yourself this, what kind of person would you be without Comic Books?

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

How Much for That Comic Book in the Window?

Is there a time that you get too when you realize it either doesn’t matter or what’s the point? When I feel this way I tend to think of two things, one is the tail of the fox who wanted some grapes that was ever so out of his reach and he replied that they were probably sour anyway and gave up. The other thing is not so much something I think of but what I liked to do and that was just read some comic books. These 22 page stores just let everything slip away. As a teenager these sixty cent pieces of joy were well worth it.

My hobby has changed throughout the years and I have changed with it. I can say this because if I didn’t I would most likely just be sitting on the sidelines bitching and complaining about it rather than participating, although my participation at the moment is along the lines of over eager enthusiast. I collect, and I spend a great portion of my extracurricular funds on comic books. My bills come first, the actual pieces of my life that heckle my bank account calling it my responsibility, thanks Spider-Man. After a small savings put away, I add the rest to my collecting budget.

Prices I feel are clamoring close to the ridicules and as a fan there is not much I can do about it other than stop collecting. It was said that the industry is hurting, that not many people collect in this day and age. I disagree and will one day finish my argument for that statement, but in the 1950’s comic books were a way of life. Not only did kids buy and read them, they traded them, something I highly doubt is being done. No parent is going to buy something for heir kid and have them trade it away.

As a kid I tried trading baseball cards, but never did I trade a comic book. Yes, I have traded them into a shop for something I wanted, but never amongst my peers. But would have I done something like this if they were cheaper. FCBD is a great idea to get new readers, maybe one that should be done more often. It worked for me with Locke and Key. I don’t like the digital comic books like I enjoy the feel of the book in my hands but I might go that route.

The other item to show how displeased I am is as I mention to just stop collecting new comic books. Maybe I should spend my $25 weekly allotment on a Tales to Astonish book, or maybe Tales of Suspense. I fear that companies that keep starting over with a number one forget or never knew about the days before the comic book shop rose, when books were bought on a turnstile and kids had no problem parting with their money on a new Book rather than on popcorn, a soda pop, and a movie.

Times are hard, gas has increased, food has increased, more jobs are going abroad and people are still collecting. In March of 2011 the top twenty books brought in slightly over four million dollars. ONLY the top twenty books, the others were not even added into that mix. These books ranged from $3 to $6 a piece. The top twenty CGC graded titles brought in just shy of that amount and the quantity of those books are nowhere near the amount of books sold as New Releases.

This hobby has gone through many changes and will go through many more changes and after over seventy years of history I don’t think starting over at number one’s is the correct way to go, especially when comic companies used to fear starting over at a #1.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

What are they Worth?

Looking for the best comic book isn’t always easy. CGC has made it simple and easy for me to find them if they are available, because some of them are not. I will soon have the best collection of new Mutants. That does not mean I am not envious of the current holder of that prestigious title. I realized I did earn it and I hope to keep it. I spent money through different avenues to have the best collection. But do I have the best. His could be argued either way since there are two books that I do not have and most likely out of those two, on one of them I never ill.

E-bay has been a great source for the books I search for. It was my only source until I became more aware of my surroundings. It is funny that way because you don’t realize what a large portion of this comic book universe is without immersing yourself into it. I think of a pool in the middle of summer and instructional swim is first thing in the morning. The pool is till cold from the night before and you ry to step in slowly to adjust when it is so much easier to just jump in.

Collecting CGC is not something you can just jump into, it is expensive. Every single New Mutants issue other than two (87 and 98) could be purchased in a back issue box for no greater that $5 a piece. I have them all. I purchased every single one from issue #15 to #100 at cover price. The first fourteen however I had to track down. Memory falls me on the majority of them but I am 100 percent sue I purchased #8 for $1. I am ninety percent sure I purchased the book in Ventnor, NJ.

I am currently trying to figure out exactly what my New Mutants Collection is worth. A collection is not necessarily worth what you paid for it. For Instance I bought a 9.9 graded copy of New Mutants #1 for 300 dollars. Someone else got a copy off of eBay for 150, and now is trying to sell it for 300. He thinks the book is worth that much. It isn’t. I over spent. I am happy I have it, and happier still that places like eBay give me a chance to see what other people will purchase a book for.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

How Cool Would it Be?

How cool would it be to write about Comic Books?

Imagine a comic book company calling you? Hey I have Fly Issue #2 out, or Princeless #1 coming soon and I was wondering if you could review it. Oh by the way I noticed an Incredible Hulk #181 in a 9.4 with white pages graded by CGC sell for over $3000. And what is CGC by the way? I try to write mostly about what I like….and why is that because I really don’t want to discuss how Martha Stewart can make collages using comic books. I want to talk about the grading aspect and the collectability. Basically…. I just want to prove my father wrong.

I know what I collect and why I collect. I am going to rave and chat about comic books and I am always free to discuss about anything. Sure Maybe I should have made this my first rat, but I like to pretend to be dyslexic. If I don’t know it…I will either bow my head to you…or find out. If it is CGC, which is such a large aspect of collecting today compared to ten years ago I am doing my best to learn and live to be your source. If you have a recommendation let me know…I enjoy new stuff. To top it all off though, I like to write.

Writing isn’t easy. You have to connect. Superman is hard to connect with, but Clark Kent isn’t. How many times did you bumble or stumble walking or trying to talk to that girl? Connecting to Superman is a bit harder because of his abilities. At times his human side shows but mostly during a pummeling or getting a dog down from a tree. With Batman…who wouldn’t want to be rich? Captain America and the nobility that goes with it or ForbushMan and his cool costume.

I always said I wasn’t a writer. I always grouped the idea of getting paid for writing makes you a writer. That is not the case, writing makes you a writer. I once asked how cool would it be to write about Comic books….and I am doing that. So now I want to ask, how cool would it be to write comic books?

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Release Date Wednesday

After working the night shift from Tuesday night into Wednesday Morning I go see my father for coffee. This is followed by standing outside my Local Comic Shop’ Fat Jack’s. I prepare myself by using Comixology by clicking of the books I want and referring to the e-mail I get to see what books I am going to purchase. Today I am not able to do that.

I am picking up an extra shift at work. When things are slow and money gets tighter the things to usually go first are the luxuries, in this case comic books. I vowed I would never be in that kind of position again. I might not be able to get all the books I want or to be able to try out a new book. The there are the CGC graded books I lie to collect. These are even more expensive. So here I am working 24 out of 32 hours and pushing back when I get my new comic books by one day.

I already know the amount of work I will need to do, I just don’t know how much money I will make. I will struggle; I will prevail tomorrow, slightly tired, partially worn, but most defiantly eager to get my comic books one day late on Thursday Morning. What days do you go get your comic books, and what happens when you don’t get to get those on the day you plan to have new comic books in hand?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An escape or an Addiction?

Another day has passed, my bills are paid, my books are to be delivered this week and I wonder what I should purchase next. I know I should save a bit more; I really should especially since I am closing in on my goal and I would hate to have purchased something and then have something I really want be up for bid or purchase. Damn run on sentence. Every now and then in life I wonder why I collect comic books. Other times I do not try to figure out why, I just do.

What would happen if I quit collecting, what would happen then? What else would I spend my money on and how will I ever find out how Miles Morales becomes the new Spider-Man? I don’t want to say my life revolves around comic books, it doesn’t but I am not going to say I can quit anytime I want to. I stopped collecting comic books once before. This was because of my financial instability. I simply couldn’t afford it.

At first I just stopped collecting books that only had a margin of interest, then others, then all. When I got back into the collecting comic book scene it was my saving grace. My life fell apart and I struggled with my own self worth. Being transported into this other fictional world wasn’t an escape from my world, I still had to deal with it, it was a visit into other lives and how they dealt with it, or at the very least how real writers had the characters deal with it. Maybe I was Marrow and instead of being horribly disfigured on the outside, it was the inside that was scarred. If she could deal with it, how could I not?

Comic books aren’t real. The characters as well written as they could be are two dimensional at best. The movies that are created to portray them are just that, movies. Even the comic books I am hoping to get are books I already have purchased before, this time I am just trying to purchase the best possible one. I am not saying that I will never allow myself to be in such a financial dire strait again. I am just saying that sometimes when you feel down a good escape could be found in a good book, or a comic book.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Reaching for First

Sometimes the only thing that gets me through work is thinking or talking about comic books. It just relieves stress when I can talk about the exploits about a hero (or villain) I like between waiting on tables. It also is relaxing when I can talk about my collection. Recently I had a huge find which bring me closer to my completion of a collection of New Mutant comics in a 9.8 white pages or better. This will put me in first place, taking over from the current position holder, a person who has held this title for three years. Even though I am about to be handed the mantle, I still envy his collection.

This makes me wonder about the people that collect comic books because a lot of us were out casts and feared getting ostracized by our peers because of them. All through high school I was always me, I showed people who I was, if not all of me, it was still the true part of me. I did collect comic books; I just didn’t advertise that fact. I also ran cross country and this was only because I couldn’t get the Captain of that team to sit for an interview. He offered to do it on the run. I knew I could run so I said sure, I just didn’t know he could run. He smoked me….and when I finally made it back to school he offered me a spot on the team. I still wrote, just for me and not the school newspaper. I made varsity the next four years, my label for this was a jock.

I still like to run, although at the moment I don’t run, I just feel to out of shape. I like to collect comic books and I still do, I don’t need to be in shape for that. I don’t fear being ostracized by anyone anymore if they don’t like me for me, I don’t care but was I afraid that the number one ranking in my favorite set would be upset that I was taking over his spot. Yes I did work hard for this, searching different avenues to get the best collection; the thing is, it is the best collection and I earned it. I am proud of that and the person who I am relieving that coveted position has wished me no malice and congratulated me, I thank him for that.

I was afraid I would lose a friendship, a camaraderie that sometimes is so desperately needed that I almost feel sorry for the people I work with because once I begin to speak about my collection, this love of mine I can almost feel their eyes roll back into their head and their thoughts of “not again” about to spring from their lips, which is pretty much the same thing that happens to me when they talk about shoes.

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