I wonder what Dorothy would have done if she woke up knowing she was off to see the Wizard! Christmas Day never had the allure or promise of if I behaved then Santa Clause would reward me by climbing down the chimney and putting presents under a tree. We had no chimney. We had no tree.
I wake early, earlier than I have too. Sleep was restless as I tried to slumber but I had comic books on the brain. I went to bed late hoping I would wake up just as late, but suffice to say after three hours sleep and nine hours before the doors open I did what every other pet owner does and fed my cat. He doesn't understand what today actually means.
Normally everyday I grab the cleanest clothes I have and make sure I look presentable, today I acted unlike any other time with the exception of last years Wizard World and thought those alien words strung together of "What should I wear?", which kind of scares me because if I feel this way today, how am I going to feel tomorrow when I meet Stan Lee?...again!
Wizard World from its inception in Philadelphia has been a three day event until last year when they added a fourth, an opening salvo if you will. I like this first day, but more like a get your feet wet sort of day, its Friday and Saturday that the vastness of what Wizard World has put together sets in. When Sunday arrives I realize how much money I spent and then on Monday I find out I could have spent more.
As a younger man I disliked spending money at the door. Admission would take away from my comic book fund. As an older man I still do, but I understand. Wizard World charges patrons to get in the door, they charge companies and budding artists a fee to set up tables to either sell their wares or bring attention to their products. Deeply rooted in my mind is "For Zombies". But, what we get in return is a huge amount of things to do. With fifteen pages of panels there is an amazing selection. Wizard World will continue to bring in money from ticket sales, but this event would not succeed without the throng of fans waiting for the doors to open today and each consecutive day.
With a bit over six hours to go I, for one, cannot wait. Finally, Wizard World Philadelphia is here. Check out #wizardworld , #wizardworldphilly and #WizardWorldPhiladelphia all weekend long.
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