My Weekly Haul: A Roundabout Review.
Every week I go to the comic book shop. This week was no exception
even after attending my first Convention of the year in Seattle,
ECCC. At this
con I met Fiona Staples. I heard about her comic book Saga but passed on it
month after month. Even after looking at the book on my best friend’s kitchen
table, I still passed. It wasn't until I had her autograph my first autograph
book that I decided to pick one up, and that is what I did when I got my new
releases for the week. It might not be a first edition, but it was enough to
make me decide to get the trade, I encourage you to do the same.
The other books are heavily Marvel. I didn't get any DC
books, and only one Valiant title, which introduced the first appearance of
Doctor Mirage, albeit much different from her 90’s counterpart.
Valiant is
constantly growing and I am happy that I am collecting every book. However I am
beginning to fear their mass explosion might implode only for the fact that
Hard C.O.R.P.s is coming out and that is what I remember the beginning of the
end of Valiant, for me anyway. Valiant, if you are reading this, please keep a
tight controlled universe.
Then there is Marvel, my favorite Universe to play in. After
choosing to read Superior Spider-Man, Avengers, and even Daredevil (a title I
tend to leave for last), it was the “Age of Ultron” that had me anticipating the
next big Marvel event, that doesn't seem to be hyped that way. When Secret wars
came out I only knew what came out when it was on the stands. As I got older I figured
out about Marvel Age, DC Currents, and Comic Shop News. These were my treasure
maps, even overriding the great Previews magazine. My favorite though happens
to be
Comixology and that is how I found out about this new Story line by none other
than Brian Michael Bendis.
I picked up two issues, because to be honest I want to see
if I can send these books into
CGC for grading. Can I pick a 9.8, or only a 9.6
and will my LCS Fat Jack’s tell me to step away from the shelves. Age of Ultron
Age of Ultron Starts in an already desolate world, The Island
of Manhattan seems to be a cesspool of poverty, grime, and corruption. In other
words, only the evil and the strong survive.
The first panel shows New York behind a decapitated Statue of Liberty
and a mammoth ship towering above. The
first words aren't even until the middle of page six giving an unnerving feeling
that those that aren't quite are dead. In
the very beginning Hawkeye is tracking someone, and his aim is unnerving. I
wonder what Dr. Fredric Wertham would have thought about it. And the building
he enters is trafficking M.G.H. The girl wants nothing to do but sleep but here
benefactors have something else on their mind. Luckily for her, so does Clint, and he
disposes of the jackals. This is where I question the book, and my only sense
of fallacy on the writer’s part. If the girl only wanted to sleep, and wanted
nothing to do with the hoodlums that were peddling their drugs, not to mentions
the favors they wanted, why does she pick up a gun and threaten Hawkeye?
At this point the house is on alert, and they feel that it
is Thor arriving, they might not understand the threat and subtlety of Hawkeye
is just as a reason to be wary as the hammer of Thor. I didn’t expect
Hammerhead but the Owl was foreshadowed by the use of the Mutant Growth
Hormone. The incendiary panel on page 12 is colored so well that I applaud Paul
Mounts, that’s not to say that Bryan Hitch and Paul Neary didn't do their part
as well. The following page is where you see the prize Hawkeye has been
seeking. Spider-man is tied to a chair, and more than wondering why is he tied
to a chair, because his proportionate strength should free him, but is it Otto
or Peter?
As “Owlsey” and Hammerhead get the drop on our heroes, all
hell breaks loose, Ultron has arrived. These next few pages are blurry, more
from the effects of the artwork than too much to drink. The book slows at this
point allowing us to try to decipher what happened. Why did the story come to
fruition in the middle rather than the beginning, and why is Hank Pym absent
from the rest of the survivors? Even Tony Stark’s Tron like costume screams
where’s his armor? I like how recently Hawkeye has been becoming a major
player, one who is willing to speak his mind and go after the bad guy with wild
abandon, and even question the man in charge. On the last page you find the one
person who you never thought would look like he just gave up.
Although I spent a nice amount at the ECCC, mostly on grading,
I am glad I had enough money to buy my books this week around. As far as traded
go, please check out Saga, but as far as first issues go and a new release, get
Ultron before Ultron gets you…that was so cheesy I had to use it.
Thanks for reading.
PS, try the AP features on this issue... and tell me if this next cover doesn't make you salivate?