
As a child, everyFriday I looked forward to watching the Hulk. There was something about the wayBill Bixby turned into Lou Ferrigno that appeased my young mind. It amazed me this destructive force of naturewas always on the run, from all people, a reporter. The show was scheduledsurrounding my mid-hour bedtime, but for some reason I was allowed to watch ituntil the end. Although, I had alreadyreceived my first comic book, I had yet to start collecting them.
I picked up theIncredible Hulk from time to time, but it was never a title that made it on mymust have list. Quite honestly the Hulk always felt like a strong B-listcharacter. As atrocious as that soundsit is a compliment. Every time I collected the Hulk, a few issues later Istopped. But, if you threw the Hulk as a character into another book, I lovedthe madness that ensued.
There were some goodruns, like Todd McFarlane’s Joe Fix-It, Peter David & Dale Keown's convergenceof Banner and The Hulk, especially the start of it in issue 377, and myfavorite is the Hulk from the Secret Wars contributing to one of my favoritecovers, issue #4. Then of course Planet Hulk led into World War Hulk which enrapturedme. The combined skills of John Romita Jr. and Greg Pak encroached on my beliefthat the Hulk could seriously gain my respect... And yet, I stopped again.

I picked up issue #1 aweek before issue #2 was due out. After reading it, I finally felt I wasreading a comic book worthy of a new beginning. I have mentioned, loudly, thatI am against the number one craze. Both my Roundabout Reviews were "Marvel Now" #1's. I found them confusing. They threw me into a story I knewnothing about. Indestructible Hulk gave me no such illusions. Mark Waid, also currentlywriting my favorite title, Daredevil, continued to impress me. But wouldissue two of “Indestructible Hulk” be any good by comparison? Can Lenil Yu keepetching personalities on each face? Are his dark shadowed eyes his tribute toRob Liefeld’s white orbs?
I am still trying to figure out a format for myRoundabout Reviews. Do I spoil the book for you, do I hint to entice you to buyit, do I do one single review or multiples, and will I review anything elsebesides Marvel? The truth is after heading to the comic book shop, a day late,I was ready to read and review the latest Locke & Key but with four morebooks to read, Indestructible Hulk #2 was exceptionally good enough I proceededto write leaving the last four books to read until later.
I will retain the right to add spoilers in myRoundabouts but for this one I’ll keep it spoiler free. All pictures are takenfrom issue #1, or from previous incarnations buy them both and I think you'll be like me and feelcompelled to not only pick up issue #3 but look forward to it.